Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Flowers: What's not to love?

Tulips in my garden yesterday. . .
Alone in the garden. . .
Sherwood Gardens, Baltimore, MD on a sunny afternoon.
Cherry Blossom Festival, Portland, Maine!
Another lone tulip. . .
Tulips with a background of the deep blue sky. . .
Beautiful Cinquefoil I discovered on a walk in the woods in Maryland recently. . .
Sherwood Gardens, Baltimore, MD--Magnolia, Magnolia, Magnolia!
What Mainer doesn't long for the sight of Spring flowers throughout the long, long winters?  I know I always do, and as a result, once the Spring flowers start showing their beautiful heads, I take advantage of it, beginning with crocuses and snowdrops, cherry blossoms, tulips, magnolias and continuing all the way to the last hardy New England Asters and Cosmos in the Fall.  Nothing is quite so pretty as Spring flowers though. 

Over the last couple of weeks, since we visited my in-laws in Baltimore, MD, I have had quite a few opportunities to photograph flowers, starting with Baltimore's beautiful Sherwood Gardens which is filled with magnolia trees, beds full of multi-colored tulips, daffodils, flowering crab apples and cherry trees.  It was a gorgeous, sunny day and I had a great time wandering all over the gardens, taking shots. 

And just in my neighborhood, up the street, are two brilliantly pink cherry trees that are simply laden with blossoms (image 4) and scads of pink tulips blooming right in my garden. 

I was very happy to discover that in all the construction work on the Capisic Pond area last summer, the Lupine field that had just started to bloom well last summer had been left intact!  There are loads of Lupine plants growing, so be prepared for some more flower posts in June (or maybe even before!)
This shot was taken at the Capisic Pond Estuary last year during "Lupine Time." 
You can always see more of my flower images on my website of course. 
Happy Spring everyone!


Bruce said...

Love the flowers, Cindy. The bee on the lupine is gorgeous too!


Unknown said...

Thanks Bruce!

Nikhil said...

I particularly like the second and third from the top. You are really good with these colour photo of flowers, I always end up making them brooding and shadowy or b&w :)

Good stuff, as usual.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Nik!

frankdphoto said...

what a great shot of the tulips and the sun...so much to take in...

Tina´s PicStory said...

WOW what nice shots and colours. lg Tina

Unknown said...

Thanks Frank!


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