It was such a beautiful, tranquil morning at Old Orchard Beach a day before Christmas Eve. There were only two other people on the beach with my husband and I, and there was a real hush to the air, other than the sound of the waves lapping the sand over and over. Also, for those of you not used to Maine latitude, sunrise this time of year is WELL after 7 am! It was no hardship to get up for this, despite how early it looks.
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The next shot was interesting to me, because I had never noticed ANY lighthouses while looking out from the beach at Old Orchard. I put on my 300mm lens and took this very tiny picture of what turned out to be Wood Island Light, off the Biddeford Pool Road. The clouds look so big and tall and the color so deep orange, but it is only because I am zoomed in so far that I am only looking at the small strip of orange you see in the picture above on the horizon.
You can see and purchase this here: |
This shot made me the happiest of the morning, because moments after the sun rose, it looked to me like a brilliant little egg, nesting in the soft, purply clouds on the horizon. And the light was magnificent and golden!
You can see and purchase this here: |
I liked this shot, because the light looks almost Caribbean to me--the temperatures were NOT Caribbean though--it was a "balmy" 26 degrees farenheit.
You can see and purchase this here: |
I hope you'll take a moment to visit my Old Orchard Beach gallery by clicking
And please, don't forget that it's not even January 2017 yet! You can still easily order one of my 2017 Maine Landscape calendars (designed by yours truly!) by clicking on my link
Thanks as always, for your support and viewing of my work! Happy Holidays and New Year to you all!
Cynthia Farr-Weinfeld, Maine Landscape Photography
CFW Photography