These were shot at f/16, ISO 200, and this time, set up my shoot with the martini glass standing on two bricks with a white dropcloth covering them and the picnic table to reduce shadowing on the bottom of the glass, which is what I got when I shot with the glass atop the dark wood alone. It really paid off--the first shot is my favorite.
What I encountered with istockphoto the other day when I uploaded 3 of the former images was this: rejected, due to overfiltering. . . (cue the funeral dirge!) In doing some research and with the handy advice of a fellow Pentaxian on the dPreview Pentax SLR discussion group, I discovered just what I was doing wrong in Photoshop CS2. I was really booping up the shadows in camera raw, as well as adding quantities of 50% in the luminance smoothing, color denoising and sharpening categories, which basically is overprocessing for istock. They want minimal denoising, no sharpening and the right exposure every time. . .
Not so much to ask, you say? Well, it's easier said than done, but I'm learning! I'll keep you posted (literally!)
Also, as a last point of debatable interest: take notice of my new self-portrait, taken yesterday in the back yard for my upcoming show this summer at Terrell Lester's Deer Isle, ME gallery!
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