Friday, July 2, 2010

July Coupon for 10% off orders from many of my galleries!

Hi everyone!  I've decided to offer a July Coupon for 10% off your entire order (excluding shipping)  from any of these galleries in my portfolio site: Architecture, Landscape, Ephemera and Portland Secret Gardens 2010.  The code you enter at purchase time is:  JULY2010. 

I also want to thank everyone who so kindly took a peak at my newly re-done Flowers gallery yesterday.  I had over 1000 new views in one afternoon alone!  You can visit my website by clicking here: CFW Photography    

Happy July!  Cindy


Anonymous said...

Cindy, I haven't visited your homepage in a while. I just did and am blown away yet again at just how good your photography is.

I am not merely trying to flatter a friend. Frequently I face these situations where I look at another photographer's work and have to go take a quick look at my own gallery to reassure myself that my sudden feeling of inadequacy is not entirely warranted.

So it is a very backhanded compliment, but it is intended to be a compliment :)

Unknown said...

Doesn't sound backhanded to me at all, Nik! That's really kind of you to say--thanks so much! Cindy

frankdphoto said...

you definitely have a great eye for this. You capture not only interesting subject and great composition but your lighting actually captures mood too.

Unknown said...

Thanks Frank!


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