Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leave Nothing but Footprints is out!

My first book of landscape photography is out! Titled "Leave Nothing but Footprints", the name was taken from the motto of the Baltimore Grotto, a caving society.  "Take nothing but pictures.  Leave nothing but footprints.  Kill nothing but time." 

 It is a very nicely sized book.  I decided to go with the smallest format Blurb offers, at 7x7 inches square.  When I was in the Maine Photography Show last week, they had printed an Exhibition Catalog with Blurb in this same size and it was really a wonderful little book.  It has my image of the Blueberry Martini splash shot that was in the show in the latter 1/4 of the book. 

You can see twenty of the pages that I randomly selected to give you a feel for the book.  All four seasons are represented, along with a lot of Earth-friendly quotes and bits of poems.

Feel free to click on the little envelope icon at the bottom of the preview to share it with your friends or relatives or click on the little shopping cart icon to buy the book in one of three manners:  perfect-bound paperback, hardcover with dust jacket or hardcover with an image wrap (the cover images printed on the hard cover.) 

I hope you'll tell everyone about my new landscape photography book and perhaps even be motivated enough to purchase one for yourself!  Cindy


Nikhil said...

Very nice, I've done a few photo books too. Not for sale and not with blurb, but yours looks very high quality (in respect of the photographs and presentation).

Congratulations, I hope a publisher comes knocking at your door :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Nik! I am very happy with it so far! Silly me, but I have NEVER even thought about a publisher actually seeing my books and wanting to take them on--wow, you just opened up a whole new idea for me! Thanks, Cindy

Unknown said...

I like it.
Maybe I need to buy one and get you to sign it too.
Great job!

frankdphoto said...

awesome book....


welcome to my world!

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