Sunday, September 4, 2016

Reviving Ye Olde Blog!

Hi everyone!  It has been SUCH a long time since I last posted:  2014!  But I thought I should dust off the old blog and start posting here again.  I wanted to show some of my newest work to you.  I went to Bug Light Park in South Portland the other night, hoping to capture the lighthouse at sunset, but the best light was over the Portland skyline itself.
There were at least 20 people around me, enjoying the weather and light, and they all whipped out their smart phones and cameras to capture what we were seeing.
The light over the lighthouse, which frequently can be beautiful at sunset, looking back toward Portland, was lackluster at best, although there were still people doggedly trying to get good pictures of it. 
This was taken before the sunset (obviously!) and I shot it at f/32 with my 16-85mm lens, which introduced some softness, which I didn't like.  But I did like all the points of the star it created of the sun!  A photographic tradeoff I guess. 

You can always see my entire body of work at and flickr:

Cynthia Farr-Weinfeld, Maine Landscape Photographer

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