Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Night Photography in Deer Isle, Maine

A 35 minute exposure at ISO 160, f/4.5 taken in the field across the street from my mother's house.
The identical perspective and camera placement to the above shot, but a dramatically shorter exposure and higher ISO to be able to capture the stars not moving.  ISO 3200, f/4.5 for 45 seconds.
Taken by turning back across the street towards my mother's house.  Same exposure as the second shot here.  Amazing, how the dim, soft lighting inside ended up looking like I had placed bright flashes behind each window.  It even created light flares up in the pine trees and on top of the house. 
We visited my mother in Deer Isle for Mother's Day this past weekend and had a great dinner with her and my brother and his wife!  I had determined that if it remained as clear as it had been all day long, that I would get out well after dark and finally try my hand at some star trails and star photography.  So I am really happy that I was able to do that and got some nifty pictures.  It would have been better had I had some foreground element, but at least I got to practice! 

I was also very happy the next morning that the birds woke me up exceptionally early (4:40 am!) and I looked out the window and saw that it was mostly cloudy.  I thought I might go back to bed, but then I thought that I am hardly ever up in Deer Isle, so I dragged my butt out of bed and headed over to Marriner's Park, about five minutes away with my camera and tripod, where I was able to get some nice shots at high tide of the sunrise.

Marriner's Park at Dawn:  this water-filled canoe drifted into the picture and I placed my camera and tripod so I could capture the sunrise along with it and these beautiful rocks. 
This is an in-camera HDR.
You can see all of these shots and many more in my brand new Deer Isle Gallery.

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