Friday, May 13, 2011

Portland Skate Park

Zach Thibault takes a jump at Portland Skate Park--a 6 image composite.
Single image of Zach Thibault taking a jump at Portland Skate Park--an HDR.
Portland Skate Park rider on a BMX style bike, taking a jump.  A 4 image composite.
Another single shot of Zach Thibault taking a jump at Portland Skate Park.  HDR processing.
Josh Champagne at Westbrook Skate Park, taking a jump.  A four image composite.
Bryan Kilburn, skateboards at Portland Skate Park.  HDR.
Westbrook Skaters, Josh Champagne, Josh Sinclair, John Cobb & Kristian Gallagher
Well, I've been kind of sad thinking that the ski and snowboard season is obviously over for a few months until I discovered the Portland and Westbrook Skate Parks last weekend.  I had a lot of fun shooting high speed compositions of these guys skating and BMX biking and they are all okay with me pointing my camera at them over and over, which is always a plus!  Thanks guys! 

Look for more images to come as I'm planning on going back as I learn more about both BMX biking and skating tricks and moves.  Thanks for looking as always, Cindy


  1. I like the composites Cindy, it is a technique that I've been itching to try. I think also, these are the perfect shots to try it on.

    If I have one minor quibble it is that because of the relatively narrow angle of view, they seem a bit too cluttered.

    I think they would have worked a bit better with fewer composited shots. 3, rather than 6 for that first one, for example.

  2. Thanks Nik! You're probably right--it's just so much fun to put them all together!

  3. Maureen--DUDE, you are cracking me up!

  4. Really great action shots. What professional photography is all about.
