Friday, December 18, 2009

Portraits from Portland Magazine in 2009

MPBN's lovely Suzanne Nance and Yo Yo Ma in March 2009. . .
Portland's Poet Laureate, Cafe Review founder and publishing editor, Steve Luttrell with dog Digger. . . (October 2009)
Portland Police Chief James Craig (above and below with children from the East End Community School in September 2009)
The immortal Robert Indiana (in front of one of his sculptures and paintings)
Writer Dayton Duncan and Documentarist Ken Burns at Merrill Auditorium, August 2009. . .
England's Dame Gillian Weir, Organist, and Portland's wonderful municipal organist, Ray Kornils (March 2009)
And my favorite portrait from 2009: Portland Ovations Director, Aimee Petrin and MPBN's Suzanne Nance, welcoming Mr. Yo Yo Ma to Portland!
Thanks for looking! Cindy

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My website has been updated!

Lots of recent images have been updated on my website. All of the galleries have something new and they are all at the beginning of each gallery, so you won't have to scroll to the end. Check them out here: CFW Photography

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Images in my Stockfood Portfolio!

Click Here to visit my Stockfood Portfolio where you'll see my 12 new images! Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Some recent architecture shots

I don't think I have ever been inside Maine's beautiful State House before last week. If I had, I must have done so in a fugue state because I'm sure I would have remembered how beautiful the Rotunda (above) is. I did a 15 image vertical panorama of it to show the majesty of that beautiful dome above the elegance of the Rotunda itself.
Just to give you perspective, above is a picture of the Rotunda from the outside. Many of you have probably seen it.
Above is a shot from the gallery in the Maine House of Representatives. And below, another picture looking up into the dome above the Rotunda. Wish I could have been allowed to climb all the way to the top and take pictures looking down, but I have found that generally, when one isn't allowed to do such things, there are probably fairly good reasons for that, such as the risk of fallingtripod, camera and all, to land on the marble floor over 100 feet below as suited Representatives and Senators click back and forth in their fancy shoes. . .
Below, are two shots of the museum of Maine animals in the basement of the building. I really like the way they used granite, which is such a Maine rock.

Here is a panorama of 12 vertical images of the Maine House of representatives, below:
The light was on the other side of the building when I took this 5 image panorama of the Senate House, below:
And a few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to photograph a grand old Victorian Estate in Kennebunk that is currently up for sale, The Hartley Lord Estate, on 65 acres. This is the view from the roof, or widow's walk:
The front of the house (a 5 image horizontal panorama)
The front hallway, a 12 image horizontal panorama:
The grand dining room, which is my favorite room, a 12 image horizontal panorama:
The master bedroom--I can't get enough of these elegant old canopy-type beds, can you? And the real estate agent from Sotheby's Legacy Properties in Kennebunk, Rick Griffin, very helpfully lit a fire in the fireplaces of both this bedroom and the dining room for the vertical perspective panorama I took.
The back of the house. Such a beautiful day. . .
The carriage house, as viewed from under the side portico:
The pigeon-blood pantry or bar, below, a 10 image vertical panorama. The magenta colored paint on the walls was literally made with pigeon's blood, hence its name. The current owner, Robin Bernstein, told me that they have yet to find a color that can completely match it, due to the nature of the paint, and they have therefore left it intact, with the cracks and crazes in its finish, rather than ruin that interesting bit of history.
A 12 image vertical shot of the dining room, and my favorite image of the day:
I honestly think I would feel very intimidated, eating in a dining room like this. I'd be afraid I'd scratch the table or spill water on it or something. . .
And finally, above, is a panoramic shot I took yesterday at Evergreen Cemetery's beautiful little stone chapel. I used my newly recalibrated 12-24mm ultra wide lens. I've always wanted to take an interesting picture of this chapel. Next, I'm going to try to get in touch with whoever controls the chapel to see if I can get inside to get some panoramic shots.

Thanks for looking as always! And please feel free to click on the Follow Me link to become a follower of the blog. One final note: I am going back to the black background layout as I think it displays pictures a lot better. Sorry to be so wishy washy, but it truly all is a work in progress, as usual!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Some recently published work. . .

Check Portland Magazine's changing banner to see some of my latest published work!

Photos 1, 3 and the right part of the 8th (Jenna Elfman is in it, but MY shot is of a toy store window decorated for Christmas. . .)

And in the article The Maine 100 the photo heading that article of Portland's Art District at twilight is also mine.

There are lots of complimentary copies of Portland Magazine floating around the Old Port this weekend--I have a huge article filled with double page spreads from the Victoria Mansion's Christmas decorations, and a whole bunch of other photos. So if you get a chance, pick up a copy and I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A few recent still life works with food. . .

Confetti Cupcakes from Maya's 10th Birthday Party with shallow depth of field. . .
This is my favorite of all of my recent food images (above.) I don't have a good working title for it other than Red Pears, Antique Book and Candlelight--kind of uninspiring as a title, I know, but. . . Any suggestions?
Fresh cranberries, blue bowl. . .

Cranberry macro. . .
3 Eggs, an antique cookbook with a feather. . .
Which came first I
Which Came First II
Autumn bouquet picked by Maya and Which Came First II. . .

Incidentally, if any of you out there know of anyone who has Aurucana Laying Hens and would be willing to part with 3 or more lovely, pastel-hued eggs for other egg compositions, I would gladly pay for said ova! Thanks for reading as always, Cindy

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My photographic life just got a little easier. . .

Before I mention the good news that may not be quite as exciting to y'all as it was to me, I'll show you a few recent images I'm happy with. I went to Old Orchard Beach for sunrise Sunday morning (9.20.09) with my mother, Jon and Maya. These first two images, I call "The Human Element" and "Sunrise at the Pier." It was not only a beautiful morning, but a great one. We went out afterward to the Higgins Beach Inn and had breakfast at 8 am. YUM!
I took this image a couple of weeks ago (Labor Day Weekend) while visiting my father and step-mother. I call it "The House that Horror Built," as it is Stephen King's wonderfully funky Bangor home at twilight!
Peeling apples. . .
Raspberry Martinis. . .
Raspberry, Blueberry, Pecan Breakfast. . .
Forbidden Fruit, my homage to the Twilight Series, by Stephenie Meyer. . .
And now, as Monty Python's Flying Circus used to say all those years ago, for something completely different: recently, I discovered that one of my lenses was doing something called "front focusing," meaning it wasn't focusing in the places I was asking it to focus and there was no way for me to correct it. After contacting Pentax tech services, I was informed that I would have to send the lens in WITH my camera body to have them calibrated together. Most likely, I would have my camera back within 15-20 business days from the time they got it. . .


Well, that would never do, I knew, as I have multiple photo assignments now and couldn't be parted from a camera for that long. So I called Pentax again and explained my situation carefully. I was sent "upstairs" to a nice guy named Joe, who sent me a packet of information about something called The Pentax Professional Service Program," which, if I was approved, would allow me, among other services, to get a loaner camera while I sent my camera and lens in to be calibrated.

Well, I received the packet, filled out the application and provided all of the necessary things to prove that I am indeed a professional in need of services, sent it in on Friday morning. I saw that they'd received it yesterday with delivery confirmation, and this morning, I got a call from Joe informing me that I am now in the program! They're sending me a loaner camera immediately so I can get my lens and camera calibrated. I'm just amazed at how fast they came through for me!

Thanks Joe!

Thanks for reading, Cindy