Sunday, October 11, 2009

A few recent still life works with food. . .

Confetti Cupcakes from Maya's 10th Birthday Party with shallow depth of field. . .
This is my favorite of all of my recent food images (above.) I don't have a good working title for it other than Red Pears, Antique Book and Candlelight--kind of uninspiring as a title, I know, but. . . Any suggestions?
Fresh cranberries, blue bowl. . .

Cranberry macro. . .
3 Eggs, an antique cookbook with a feather. . .
Which came first I
Which Came First II
Autumn bouquet picked by Maya and Which Came First II. . .

Incidentally, if any of you out there know of anyone who has Aurucana Laying Hens and would be willing to part with 3 or more lovely, pastel-hued eggs for other egg compositions, I would gladly pay for said ova! Thanks for reading as always, Cindy

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