I love Rosemont Market Croissants. They're all good, mind you. They have ham and cheese croissants sometimes, and often an almond paste filled or chocolate filled croissants grace their bakery shelves. But the plain butter croissants will always be my favorite. Light and flaky, they break apart to reveal soft, creamy pastry layers inside that are just perfect smeared with Bonne Maman's four-berry jam, which you can see pictured here.

These were taken using my trusty Pentax K20D and the light of Old Sol himself on my frigid front porch, so I could mimic the cozy feeling of sitting at a table in an outdoor cafe and noshing on delights just such as these. the first shot was taken at 1/400 sec, ISO 200 in Dynamic-Range 200% mode, in sunny white balance, handheld. The second picture is virtually the same except for being only 1/125 sec.
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