Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Our trip to Moosehead Lake

We camped at Lily Bay State Park last weekend (June 29th to July 2nd, 2007.) This was the view from the edge of our campsite, #34W, just after sunset. It looks really peaceful, and I thought we were in for a lovely stay at that campsite--but the next two days were so windy and cold our tent blew down five times during the day! (Fortunately, never while we were in it.) I was really happy with this picture though. I put the camera on its mini-tripod on a rock a foot or so in the lake and set it for a 30 second exposure. The long exposure picked up the fading sunset light and made the lake look silky and smooth. Believe me, it was the last time it looked like this!
The next night, we drove down the Lily Bay Road to Kokadjo. There's a sign at the edge of town reading, "Kokadjo, Population: Not Many!" And it's true--if you blink too long, you're past the bulk of the town, which seems to consist of a general store and a few houses. Very cute. We drove a little beyond it and stopped at Lazy Tom Bog (above) near sunset. It, like the picture above, looks so peaceful and serene, and I am very happy with this picture, too. But what you can't see is the MILLIONS of black flies and mosquitoes buzzing around my head, which was covered with two hoods and cinched tight around my chin to keep them out! Maya was fishing below to the right, which you can't see in this picture, and she stood still and let the bugs eat her alive. The poor kid is still covered with red bites on her back, head and ankles! But she was thrilled to get to use her little fishing rod and we all watched the fish jumping out of the water to catch the black flies over and over.
On the way back from Kokadjo, we saw this moose calf, nestled by the side of the road, while its mother grazed and drank from a stream. We saw 9 moose throughout the trip, which was quite the thrill! We also saw pheasants, geese, ducks and a bunch of brown hares, that ran away every time we even looked at them.
The picture above is sunset the second night. As you can see, the water was MUCH choppier, and it was really cold out and of course, super windy!
This was the view of Moosehead Lake from a really ritzy neighborhood that was being built high up on a hill in Greenville, Maine, near Lily Bay State Park. It was a great vacation, cold, wind and all!

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