I also used the macro function to capture the last of my lilacs in bloom. They're a very pale lilac color, and when I put them up onscreen, a lot of the color didn't show up at all, so I opened the best photo up in Photoshop, added some sharpening, color tweaking and cropped the picture to get at the part I liked best.
I also tried to get a good shot of the last of my columbine in bloom. (Below) This is shot from above it because I think it has such an unusual, interesting shape as a flower. The colors are really intense, too. (But it's not a wonderful picture or anything. . .)
I've been working hard at weeding my garden this year, and have the best intentions to keep it up because it's looking so great, but most years, I do well until it gets really hot, and then the weeds start crowding in!
I have this grand plan to get up as early as I normally do during the school year three times a week this summer and weed, but check back in July and see if I've done it! To be continued. . .
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