Thursday, November 15, 2012

Northern New England Journey Magazine

This shot has been seen a couple of places--first, in Portland Magazine's April 2011 issue.  I really liked
Bob Witkowski's creative use of a kayaker on Congress Street!
And now, a one-and-a-half page spread in Northern New England Journey Magazine--a AAA publication.  I'm really happy with having all three of these images in this semi-national magazine!
This is the original photo--an HDR of three shots taken while traffic was going through the intersection one way or another.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunrise at Bug Light

Bug Light Sunrise

This morning, I woke up early (5:30am) to go and photograph sunrise at Bug Light with my friend Felice Boucher.  On the way over to South Portland, the sky looked distinctly underwhelming, frankly, and I thought that I would have a good time chatting with Felice but that it would probably be a non-sunrise, which sometimes happens. . . 

Instead, by the time we got to Bug Light, the colors in the sky had gone from blah to WOW!  It was also 50 degrees out--very warm for November in Maine, so it was such an enjoyable thing to be out photographing in the balmy morning air. 

These are my three favorite shots of the morning.  The last one looks like a panorama, but is actually a "croporama", made from one shot of the Portland Skyline with my ultra-wide lens and then cropped in vertically on the top and the bottom.  You can see all of these shots in my Lighthouse Gallery

It's almost always worth it, crawling out of bed to see the sunrise, and today was one of the best I've seen in a long time.

Thanks for looking!