Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Occupy Portland, Maine encampment

This is an 18 image 360 degree little planet projection from the center of the encampment.
This sign was the first thing that captured my attention as I drove by this morning.
This is a 10 or 12 image panorama from the other side of the encampment--I just liked this nifty take on a street sign that someone did:  Justice Way, Liberty Street, Freedom Avenue anyone?  :-)
I liked the big Occupy sign graffiti'd on the back of this tent.  And the hay bales interested me--must be insulation?
A closer up detail shot of the street sign.
This morning, I decided to stop by Portland's version of Occupy Wall Street in Lincoln Park on Congress Street.  I was amazed by the tent city that is thriving there, the neatness, and the passion evidenced by the signs and posters here and there.  But I wondered where everyone was?  Maybe a lot of the people have day jobs and are only there at night?  Or perhaps it is because they are busy applying for a permit to be able to stay there?  On their website  it said that there was going to be a general assembly tonight at six, but I figured there wouldn't be much beautiful light then. . .  So I may go back this weekend to see if there are more protesters out and about then.  So stay tuned! 


Sunday, November 27, 2011

CFW Photography 2012 Engagement Calendars available!

2012 by Cynthia Farr-Weinfeld | Make Your Own Book

I have 2012 Engagement Calendars with 12 months of my Maine landscape photography for sale at now!  You can even purchase an e-book version for your iPhone or iPad.  Check out the preview and if you are interested, click on the shopping cart to decide which option to purchase.