Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The space Within is now available!


          The Space Within by Cynthia Farr-Weinfeld | BOOK INFO
(If you click on the shopping cart icon with the word BUY below it, within the 
above preview, it will take you to Blurb, where I'm selling the book.) 

I am very happy to announce publication of my architectural photography book, The Space Within, on Blurb.  My proof copy just arrived and it looks fabulous!  It is an 8x9.5" perfect bound, 80 page glossy book filled with my architectural photography and interesting notes on the history of many of the buildings and houses within.  I hope you'll take the time to check it out and maybe even buy a copy of your own!

Best wishes,


Monday, March 22, 2010

Maine State House Rotunda Revisited

Last Friday morning, I met my good friend, Bruce, another Pentax shooter, in Augusta at the beautiful Maine State House for a photo trip.  I have been interested in trying out my ultra-wide 12-24mm lens in the same places I previously used my kit 18-55mm lens and I wasn't disappointed.

Altogether, I have found that I need far less shots to create stunning panoramas and the results are crisp and clean, with very low noise, compared to my kit lens.

We had a lot of fun taking pictures and having "photo-chat" as we went from area to area.  You can click on any of the pictures to see a larger version and then pres the back button to return to the post.

The first picture is a 12 image horizontal panorama of the Rotunda itself, and my favorite of the day.  The second is the Maine Senate Chambers.  The third piece is a a single shot of the Rotunda upstairs.  The final shot is a four image panoramic view of one of the hallways leading up to the entrance to the Rotunda, where one can look up through three floors and see the beautiful dome above.

After that, we had a delicious lunch at Slate's Restaurant in Hallowell, Maine, and back home to process all the photos!

I'd love to hear what you think about my work at any time.  Thanks for looking, Cindy

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Portrait Shoot with Suzanne Nance

A couple of weeks ago, I had a portrait shoot with MPBN's lovely producer and morning show host, Suzanne Nance.  We had a lot of fun and I'm very happy with the results.  She's an extremely photogenic subject, as you can see, so it wasn't a difficult shoot at all.  The shots I've enclosed are my personal favorites.  Hope you like them!  You can see some of the shots on Suzanne's new website, which I also hope you'll visit.  Best wishes, Cindy

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Work at Kennedy Studios

Well, it was tedious, but I spent the morning matting photos and then dropped them off at Kennedy Studios early this afternoon.  Stop by the gallery sometime and you'll see all of my matted prints in a bin near the front of the store!  (This image, Good Red Wine, is one of the many photos for sale there.)  Let me know what you think!  Cindy

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Re-designed Landscape gallery

Please visit my newly re-designed Maine Landscapes gallery on smugmug.  You can now purchase prints in all sizes, whether by themselves or matted and framed, mounted or gallery wrapped canvases directly from many of my galleries just by clicking the Buy button to the right above each large picture.  I am really excited with this new development!  Look for more exciting changes to come, as my graphic designer and I, Mozelle Studio will be working together to make my professional website and the smugmug website join together seamlessly.

If you are technologically inclined and even know what such things as digg or stumble upon are, please feel free to digg or give a thumbs up to my site!  Thanks for checking it out!  Cindy

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Greater Portland Convention and Visitors Bureau News

I recently sold four photos to the Greater Portland Convention and Visitors Bureau for their beautiful 2010 Event Planner's Guide .  Click on the highlighted words to visit both of those sites.  The first photo is one of the four: Sunset from Portland Observatory. 

They were really easy to work with and very friendly and I was absolutely thrilled to see my photos in the guide.  You can actually click through all the pages, and it has great information on all the local happenings and things to do within its almost 50 pages of information and beautiful images.