Friday, December 18, 2009

Portraits from Portland Magazine in 2009

MPBN's lovely Suzanne Nance and Yo Yo Ma in March 2009. . .
Portland's Poet Laureate, Cafe Review founder and publishing editor, Steve Luttrell with dog Digger. . . (October 2009)
Portland Police Chief James Craig (above and below with children from the East End Community School in September 2009)
The immortal Robert Indiana (in front of one of his sculptures and paintings)
Writer Dayton Duncan and Documentarist Ken Burns at Merrill Auditorium, August 2009. . .
England's Dame Gillian Weir, Organist, and Portland's wonderful municipal organist, Ray Kornils (March 2009)
And my favorite portrait from 2009: Portland Ovations Director, Aimee Petrin and MPBN's Suzanne Nance, welcoming Mr. Yo Yo Ma to Portland!
Thanks for looking! Cindy

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My website has been updated!

Lots of recent images have been updated on my website. All of the galleries have something new and they are all at the beginning of each gallery, so you won't have to scroll to the end. Check them out here: CFW Photography