Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Swept Away in Winter Harbor, Maine

Last August (2008) Portland Magazine assigned me to photograph a sailing race at the Winter Harbor Yacht Club in Winter Harbor, Maine at Grindstone Neck. So far, it is the furthest I've traveled for the magazine, but it was well worth it. I had a great time and was lucky enough to be able to ride on marine artist, Peter Layne Argimbault's powerboat to get the shots. Otherwise, I would've been sitting on the committee boat at the finish line the whole time. The shot above is my favorite of the whole shoot. If you click on any of the photos once or twice depending on your type of computer, you can see a MUCH larger version of each photo. Then click the back button on your computer to go back to the blog.
Scroll through and take a tour of these now 103 year old wooden boats that were brought back from obscurity by the Winter Harbor Yacht Club when they brought the fleet back together. They are 30 feet long, I believe.

This Knockabout Race Results board has all the names of the boats listed on it:

Thanks for looking as always. Happy Sailing! Cindy
PS--If you click on the link for Portland Magazine in the farthest right column of my blog and then click on Online Extras at the Portland Magazine Site near the top of the page, you will find pictures from this series there.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Portland Magazine's July/August 2009 Issue is out!

I wish I could lay claim to this beautiful cover, but I'm afraid it isn't mine. . . But the two drink shots in the center of the Table of Contents and the sailing photo on the right side are mine. They are the teaser to the article below, about the Winter Harbor 21s, a fleet of 100+ year old sailboats at the Winter Harbor Yacht Club that I photographed last August 2008. In an upcoming post, I intend to post all of those pictures here, but for now, these will have to do.
This is a beautiful kitchen in a Portland penthouse that I had the good fortune to photograph in panoramic form last month. It would be so much fun to cook a meal in, and even more fun to then sit at their beautiful table and look out at true panoramic views of Portland and Portland Harbor.
Also last month, I got to meet Louise Frechette, the proprietor of L.A. Frechette Gallery in Kennebunkport, Maine. She's not only a fabulous painter of the most absolutely luminous and bewitching paintings, but a gracious and kind hostess. She made me feel so welcome while I was there photographing her, her wonderful paintings and her gallery.
And finally, the heading for the article with the splash shots! The first one, I did last year, trying to figure out how to do high speed photography of fruit dropping into martini glasses. And when I gave them to Portland Magazine to look at, the publisher wondered if I could do a blueberry splash shot as well, to grace this article, which I did! I like it even better than the strawberry one.
Thanks for looking everyone! Cindy
PS: You can click on a link see Portland Magazine's website on the right side of my blog in the menus of links and blogs I like.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A new look and a couple of new shots. . .

I'm trying out a new look for the blog for a while to see if I and others like it. Here are a few shots I am trying out in black and white. The first one I took recently on a trip to York, Maine with my mother-in-law and the family. It is, believe it or not, called The Wiggly Bridge. And it does, indeed wiggle when you walk on it. It is a walking bridge only. If you stand in the middle and jump up and down, the bridge goes with you.
The second shot is one many of you will recognize, only converted to black and white: Portland Head Light!
And the final shot is of Jordan Pond, with what I was hoping was an Ansel Adams-ish contrast to it. Not sure if I succeeded or not, but I like it! Thanks for looking, Cindy