Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lighthouse Mania

Last Saturday, I woke up early and checked to see if it was clear outside--it was, so I loaded my Canon S3 IS and the tripod into the car and headed over to Fort Williams, in ape Elizabeth, to try to get a nice shot of the Portland Headlight.

By the time I got there, there were already six other guys with nice tripods and even nicer cameras (or big guns, as I prefer to call them) set up in pristine shots pointing everywhere from out at the horizon to at the lighthouse.

I boldly set up with my little camera, and as the sun began to rise above the ocean, I snapped away and caught the image you see above. with a little noise reduction help from my dad, it came out quite well, although truly only a very classically framed shot.

I am so excited though, because I just ordered my first dSLR on Monday night! I'm getting a Pentax K10D and I can't wait to get my sweaty little hands on it and start shooting away1

The image above is another one I captured at Fort Williams--the Prince of Fundy, Portland's own "cruise ship" that sails up to Canada and back and a tiny fishing boat, going in opposite directions. Nothing brilliant. . . But hey. . .
More when I get the Pentax!